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7th Plenary Meeting

The seventh Plenary Meeting of the CA-RES4 was held from 23rd to 24th October 2024 in Brussels, Belgium.

You can find the Session Highlights of all Plenary Meetings here:

Session Highlights


The following topics were discussed:


Core Theme 1: Governance, target achievement and cooperation

Session 3: RFNBOs in industry - Article 22a guidance and continuation of dialogue with MS on implementation of the target and cooperation

Session 11: Reaching 45%: NECP and RED target achievement


Core Theme 2: RES Electricity

Session 9: Energy System Integration of renewable electricity in distribution grids

Session 14: Non-price criteria for auctions for renewable electricity


Core Theme 3: Decarbonising Heating and Cooling

Session 6: Guidance for interpreting the new provisions of the Renewable Energy Directive (RED) on heating and cooling

Session 10: Follow up on system integration


Core Theme 4: Biomass Mobilisation and Sustainability

Session 7: Implementing the cascading use of biomass provision

Session 12: Implementing support schemes in national strategies for biogas / biomethane


Core Theme 5: Decarbonising Transport

Session 2: Feedstock Differentiation in Transport Fuels

Session 8: Robustness of system requirements in transport


Core Theme 6: Consumer/Citizen's Engagement

Session 4: Collective self-consumption, frameworks, potentials & challenges

Session 15: The role of private companies in Renewable Energy Communities


TF GO: Guarantees of Origin and Consumer Information

Session 13: GO systems: Consequences of the latest EU directives


Joint Session CT4/CT5

Session 5: Annex V and VI on Greenhouse Gas Emission Calculations


DG Ener Session

Session 1: Mapping, status of transposition of July provisions and permitting for pumped hydro