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Plenary Meetings

Two CA-RES4 Plenary Meetings are held per year. There participants use the opportunity to discuss implementation issues related to the RES Directive 2018/2001/EU. The Plenary Meetings help strengthening the network of experts and also the information-sharing framework. Participants exchange best-practice examples and share their experiences in key areas. 

So far, three Plenary Meetings have been held in the fourth phase of the Concerted Action on the RES Directive 2018/2001/EU:

  • The first Plenary Meeting was held online from 17th-18th November 2021.
  • The second Plenary Meeting was held online from 18th-19th May 2022.
  • The third Plenary Meeting was held from 09th-10th November 2022 in Athens, Greece.
  • The fourth Plenary Meeting was held from 24th-25th May 2023 in Vienna, Austria.
  • The fifth Plenary Meeting was held from 18th-19th October 2023 in Lisbon, Portugal.
  • The sixth Plenary Meeting was held from 22nd-23rd May 2024 in Budapest, Hungary.
  • The seventh Plenary Meeting was held from 23rd-24th October 2024 in Brussels, Belgium.


Click on the relevant Plenary Meeting on the right for more information.


You can find the Highlights of all Plenary Meetings here:

Session Highlights